Investors Call on Companies to discontinue the supply of weapons used in the military assault in Gaza
On May 21, 2021, 36 institutional, faith-based, and individual investors with $22.4 billion in assets under management wrote to Boeing, Elbit Systems, Lockheed Martin, General Dynamics, Northrop Grumman, and Raytheon Technologies urging the companies to fulfill their human rights responsibilities and discontinue the supply of weapons or components used in the military assault in Gaza […]
CSJP Shareholder Proposal at PPG Garners 32% Investor Support
The Congregation of the Sisters of St. Joseph of Peace leveraged their investments in PPG Industries, Inc., a major U.S. paints and coatings manufacturer, to call for greater independent board oversight of human rights risks. With support from Investor Advocates for Social Justice (IASJ), the Congregation filed a shareholder proposal requesting PPG adopt an Independent […]
Shareholders Calling for Human Rights Protections for Essential Food Chain Workers Prevail at Wendy’s Annual Meeting
Shareholder proposal emphasized vulnerability of farmworkers in Wendy’s ($WEN) supply chain to COVID-19 and its failure to join the Fair Food Program. NEW YORK, NY, TUESDAY, MAY 18TH, 2021 – Today shareholders approved a proposal at Wendy’s asking the company to disclose evidence of whether its existing policies effectively protect workers in its food supply […]
Webinar: Learn About IASJ
Join Investor Advocates for Social Justice (IASJ) for a webinar on June 17 at 11:00am to get to know our organization and how it works to support faith-based institutional investors to align and activate their investment portfolios in order to fulfill their mission. Hear from IASJ staff and current Affiliates about ways to get involved […]
IASJ Mission-Aligned Investing (MAI) Program Launch
March 9, 2021: Montclair, NJ – Recognizing Investor Advocates for Social Justice (IASJ) Affiliates’ legacy around fostering positive social and environmental impact, IASJ convened its first Affiliate Cohort meeting on March 9th to launch the Mission-Aligned Investing (MAI) program. The program aims to enable and empower IASJ’s Affiliates, which are faith-based institutional asset owners, to […]
Press Release: Shareholders Win Unprecedented Support for Reforms at Tyson Foods
Originally published by the International Brotherhood of Teamsters at https://teamster.org/2021/02/shareholders-win-unprecedented-support-for-reforms-at-tyson-foods/ SHAREHOLDERS WIN UNPRECEDENTED SUPPORT FOR REFORMS AT TYSON FOODS 2021.02.19 Press Contact: Galen Munroe Phone: (202) 439-7427 Email: gmunroe@teamster.org More than 80 Percent of Outside Shareholders Back Teamsters, Oxfam America, ABHMS and NY State Proposals on Lobbying Disclosure, Human Rights Due Diligence, and Dual Class Stock Structure, Including […]
Tyson Dismisses Shareholders’ Human Rights Concerns at Annual Meeting
Updated on February 17, 2021 The 2021 Tyson Human Rights Due Diligence Proposal received 78.7% support from independent investors (excluding the Tyson Limited Partnership) and 18.4% overall. This represents an 19% increase in independent investor support over the last year. “Once we get injured, we are worthless to the company, they see us as expendable, […]
Shareholders Denied Opportunity to Vote on Human Rights Impacts of Weapons
Shareholders will be denied the opportunity to vote on important human rights issues at the 2021 General Dynamics annual meeting of shareholders. Using a procedural technicality, General Dynamics is making a clear attempt to evade accountability for severe human rights risks that expose investors to legal, financial, and reputational risks. The Franciscan Sisters of Allegany, […]
In Solidarity with Democracy, Equity & Justice
January 7, 2021 Yesterday’s violent attack on the U.S. Capitol by pro-Trump insurgents attempting to undermine the results of the 2020 election was disturbing and deeply sad. In a culmination of the denial of the election outcome, damaging and false rhetoric, these attacks on the democratic process by white supremacists were enabled or incited by […]
24.8% Support for Human Rights Proposal at Tesla
September 25, 2020 Update: At the Tesla AGM on September 22nd, the shareholder proposal on Human Rights Disclosure filed by the Sisters of the Good Shepherd, NY Province received 24.8% support overall. Excluding insider shares held by Elon Musk and other executive officers and directors, it received 41.5% support, which is a strong vote for a […]