Investor Advocates for Social Justice

IASJ Tells Banks: Stop Funding Environmental Racism

April 22, 2024

April 22, 2024 A safe, healthy, and just environment is the foundation for enjoying all human rights. As part of IASJ’s Climate + Dignity campaign, we are committed to engaging with banks to address human rights impacts associated with their financing activities.  Challenging Banks on Climate Justice Though US banks have made public commitments to tackle the […]

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Chevron’s “Racial Equity Audit” Fails to Satisfy Shareholders’ Request

May 15, 2023

Originally published on the Interfaith Center for Corporate Responsibility website. View post here.  Audit developed in response to a shareholder proposal fails to address key concerns on environmental racism and discrimination. NEW YORK, NY, MONDAY, MAY 8TH, 2023 – Faith-based investor members of the Interfaith Center on Corporate Responsibility and shareholders of Chevron ($CVX) today […]

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Sr. Pat Daly- Women of Faith in Finance

March 11, 2022

In honor of Women’s History Month, IASJ will be featuring a “Women of Faith in Finance” series celebrating four incredible women and their dedication and commitment to the advancement of human rights, climate change solutions, peace, and the common good.     “We can’t keep doing what we’ve been doing if the planet is going […]

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IASJ Mission-Aligned Investing (MAI) Program Launch

March 9, 2021

March 9, 2021: Montclair, NJ – Recognizing Investor Advocates for Social Justice (IASJ) Affiliates’ legacy around fostering positive social and environmental impact, IASJ convened its first Affiliate Cohort meeting on March 9th to launch the Mission-Aligned Investing (MAI) program. The program aims to enable and empower IASJ’s Affiliates, which are faith-based institutional asset owners, to […]

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Investors Press Climate Change as a Human Rights Issue

September 27, 2019

A safe, healthy, and just environment serves as a prerequisite for enjoying all human rights, rendering the climate crisis a pervasive threat to the rights of billions of people around the world. The Paris Agreement, a landmark United Nations accord aimed at keeping global temperature rise well below 2°C, explicitly states in its preamble that […]

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Shareholder Resolution Filed with ExxonMobil on Sustainable Energy Access

December 20, 2018

The Tri-State CRI supported member the Dominican Sisters of Caldwell in filing a shareholder resolution with ExxonMobil on Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 7, which calls for universal access to reliable, affordable, sustainable, and modern energy. Roughly 3 billion people worldwide rely on wood, coal, charcoal or animal waste for cooking and heating, and nearly 1 billion people have […]

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Tri-CRI Weighs In on EPA Clean Car Standards

October 26, 2018

Affirming our longstanding commitment to reduce climate impacts of the automotive industry, in alignment with our shareholder engagement in the sector, the Tri-State Coalition for Responsible Investment submitted a public comment to the EPA and NHTSA opposing the proposal to weaken the Corporate Average Fuel Economy (CAFE) standards. In August 2018, President Trump released a proposal […]

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We’re Hiring! Program Associate Position Description

July 27, 2018

The Tri-State Coalition for Responsible Investment is hiring a second Program Associate to support our shareholder engagement work on climate change, sustainability, and impact investing. See job description and application instructions below or view the posting on Idealist. About the Tri-State Coalition for Responsible Investment Members of the Tri-State Coalition leverage our collective shareholder voice to […]

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Tri-CRI Follows COP23 and Encourages Strong Outcomes

November 6, 2017

Today marks the first day of the 23rd session of the Conference of the Parties (COP 23) to the UN Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). Delegates from around the world are gathering in Bonn, Germany from November 6-17, 2017 to determine next steps in the path to achieve the goal to limit global temperature rise to […]

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Celebrating ICCR Legacy Award Recipients Sr. Pat Daly and Fr. Michael Crosby

September 29, 2017

On September 28, 2017, Sr. Pat Daly, OP and the late Fr. Michael Crosby, OFM Cap were recognized for their lifetime contributions to the socially responsible investment movement as recipients of the 2017 ICCR Legacy Award. The awards ceremony took place at the ICCR Special Event, titled “Taking the High Road: The Business Case for […]

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