Tri-CRI Launches Proxy Voting Declaration Platform for Exxon and Chevron GHG Goal Resolutions
The Tri-State Coalition for Responsible Investment and the Interfaith Center on Corporate Responsibility (ICCR) have organized a process for asset owners and fund managers to declare their intention to vote in support of the shareholder proposals to set greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reduction goals ahead of the Exxon Mobil and Chevron Annual General Meetings, both […]
Invitation: 40th Anniversary Special Event
Please Join Us on May 18th for the Tri-State Coalition’s 40th Anniversary Special Event! Purchase Tickets Online Here See Formal Invitation Here
Tri-CRI Commends Walmart for Raising Wages
Tri-State CRI joins colleagues at ICCR in recognizing Walmart‘s progress on workers’ wages: NEW YORK, NY – Thursday, February 19, 2015 – Members of the Interfaith Center on Corporate Responsibility (ICCR) and shareholders of Walmart were heartened by Walmart’s announcement today of measures it is taking to improve both wages and opportunities for advancement for […]
Tri-CRI and Fellow Investors File with ExxonMobil and Chevron on Greenhouse Gas Reduction Goals
As part of ongoing corporate engagement on climate change, the Tri-State Coalition led 47 investors, including state pension funds, faith-based investors, healthcare systems, foundations, and socially responsible asset managers, including 9 investor members of the Coalition, in filing a shareholder resolution with ExxonMobil urging the company to adopt greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction goals for its […]
New Resource: Hotel Outreach Toolkit: Preventing Human Trafficking at Major Sporting Events
We are pleased to share a Toolkit of resources that can be used to raise awareness of the risks of human trafficking around major sporting events. The documents, templates, and resources here will enable investors and community groups to engage with the hospitality sector to: 1) To raise awareness of human trafficking within the hospitality […]
Tri-CRI Commends ADM For Human Rights Statement
Tri-CRI COMMENDS ADM FOR ADOPTING HUMAN RIGHTS STATEMENT Commitment regarding ethical recruitment practices models best practices to safeguard workers in agri-business supply chains Shareholders in Archer Daniels Midland and members of the Interfaith Center on Corporate Responsibility welcomed the company’s announcement at its general meeting on May 1, 2014 that it had formally adopted a […]
Sr. Pat Daly Receives Joan Bavaria Award
ICCR and TRI-CRI PROUDLY HONOR SR. PATRICIA DALY, OP 2014 WINNER OF THE CERES-TRILLIUM JOAN BAVARIA AWARD Executive Director of the Tri-State Coalition for Responsible Investment and long-time member of the Interfaith Centeron Corporate Responsibility celebrated for 35-year legacy in shareholder advocacy and the advancement of environmental justice at today’s Ceres conference. NEW YORK, NY […]
May 18th Event: “Just Water: Making Water Visible in Theology and Ethics”
One of Tri-CRI’s members, the Maryknoll Fathers and Brothers, is hosting a lecture on water, specifically the global fresh water crisis. They’ve invited Christiana Peppard, Ph.D, to speak on the water crisis and how we can look to Catholic Social Teaching to consider and respond to this issue. Tri-CRI engages companies on the issue of […]
We Mourn the Loss of William Clay Ford, Sr
William Clay Ford, Auto Family Scion and Detroit Lions Owner, Dies at 88 New York Times, By DOUGLAS MARTIN MARCH 9, 2014 William Clay Ford, who once steered a car from his grandfather Henry Ford’s lap but, overshadowed by his brash older brother Henry II, never got the chance to run the family business, died […]
Ongoing Media Coverage of Human Trafficking Awareness Work in the Approach to the Super Bowl
The Tri-State Coalition, the Interfaith Center on Corporate Responsibility, and NJ Coalition Against Human Trafficking have received excellent media coverage of the campaign to raise awareness around the risk of human trafficking around the February 2nd Super Bowl, hosted in New Jersey. The following stories highlight the work of Tri-CRI and our partners to raise […]