Tri-CRI Letter Calls on GE to Complete Cleanup of the Hudson River
On August 21, the Tri-State Coalition for Responsible Investment sent a letter to General Electric urging the company to fully complete the cleanup of the Hudson River: “As shareholders in GE, our Coalition has long been involved in encouraging our company to take full and complete responsibility for the contamination caused by the disposal into […]
Sister Pat Daly on Fox Business Discussing Laudato Si and Climate Change
Following the release of Pope Francis’ Encyclical ‘Laudato Si’, Sister Pat was invited to speak on Fox News about climate change. In the interview below on the show Varney & Co., Sister Pat discusses the encyclical and the history of the work of the Tri-State Coalition for Responsible Investment with corporations on climate change.
Tri-CRI Joins Investors With $2.6 Trillion AUM in Letters to 15 Companies on Water Management
The Tri-State Coalition for Responsible Investment is proud to join over 60 institutional investors in sending letters to 15 food and beverage companies identified as laggards on water management by the recent Ceres report Feeding Ourselves Thirsty. In today’s Ceres press release about the letters, Acting Director Mary Beth Gallagher was quoted on the importance […]
Tri-State Coalition for Responsible Investment Welcomes Announcement of Clean Power Plan
Tri-State Coalition for Responsible Investment Welcomes Announcement of Clean Power Plan The Tri-State Coalition for Responsible Investment applauds the final version of the Clean Power Plan to regulate carbon dioxide emissions from power plants. In addition to contributing to climate mitigation, these essential regulations, which for the first time set limits on carbon pollution from […]
Tri-CRI Member Mercy Investment Services Congratulates Choice Hotels for Signing ECPAT Code
Tri-State Coalition member Mercy Investment Services congratulates Choice Hotels for signing the ECPAT Code. This move follows years of productive engagement between Mercy Investment Services and Choice Hotels on human trafficking. Read the full press release here and below: Mercy Investment Services congratulates Choice Hotels on signing the ECPAT Code to help end human trafficking.The Sisters […]
Tri-State Coalition for Responsible Investment Rejoices in Pope Francis’s Encylical, Laudato Si
We rejoice in the leadership of our Pope Francis with this clear proclamation in Encyclical ‘Laudato Si’ of the foundational Gospel message, “that all may have life and have it to the full.” His insights reinforce the calling of the ministry of the Tri-State Coalition for Responsible Investment, to merge investment decisions with social values […]
Report Back From AGMs: Investors Press CEO to Acknowledge Climate Risks
Shareholder proposals to adopt Greenhouse Gas reduction goals were put forward at Exxon Mobil and Chevron on May 27th. The proposal at Exxon received 9.6% of the vote in support and at Chevron received 9% in support. Proponents are disappointed by this result, particularly given the urgency of action to address climate change and the […]
On Eve Of Shareholder Meetings at ExxonMobil and Chevron, Global Investors Demanding Bolder Action on Climate Change
Press Release Public and faith-based investors representing over $1 trillion will urge oil & gas giants to live up to their stated visions as energy companies of the future by driving the transition to a low-carbon economy. NEW YORK, NY, TUESDAY, MAY 26TH, 2015 – As members of the Interfaith Center on Corporate Responsibility and […]
Tri-CRI Launches Proxy Voting Declaration Platform for Exxon and Chevron GHG Goal Resolutions
The Tri-State Coalition for Responsible Investment and the Interfaith Center on Corporate Responsibility (ICCR) have organized a process for asset owners and fund managers to declare their intention to vote in support of the shareholder proposals to set greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reduction goals ahead of the Exxon Mobil and Chevron Annual General Meetings, both […]
Invitation: 40th Anniversary Special Event
Please Join Us on May 18th for the Tri-State Coalition’s 40th Anniversary Special Event! Purchase Tickets Online Here See Formal Invitation Here