Tri-CRI Member Mercy Investment Services Congratulates Choice Hotels for Signing ECPAT Code
Tri-State Coalition member Mercy Investment Services congratulates Choice Hotels for signing the ECPAT Code. This move follows years of productive engagement between Mercy Investment Services and Choice Hotels on human trafficking. Read the full press release here and below:
Mercy Investment Services congratulates Choice Hotels on signing the ECPAT Code to help end human trafficking.The Sisters of Mercy, through their investments, began collaborating with Choice Hotels on the issue of human trafficking in 2008. Since then, Choice has developed and implemented, with shareholder input, a human rights policy; created training that is available to all franchised Choice hotels; and increased communications with their hotels, namely surrounding events such as the Super Bowl that are considered high risk for human trafficking. Choice also started offering Choice Hotel members the option to donate Choice Privileges points to the Polaris Project, which uses the points to provide free hotel rooms for rescued human trafficking victims.”We’ve been pleased with Choice’s commitment to help end human trafficking,” says Pat Zerega, senior director of shareholder advocacy. “Signing the ECPAT Code was the next step in Choice solidifying its commitment to end human trafficking.” Sister Valerie Heinonen, OSU, who began the dialogue with Choice on behalf of the Sisters of Mercy says, “Choice is to be commended for its programs and trainings for the owners and general managers of its franchises, a number of which are small operations.”