Tag: Excessive Speculation in Food Commodities
ICCR releases Principles for Sustainable and Equitable Food Production.
November 16, 2012Through its work in the agricultural sector, ICCR has developed expertise that lead to the release of Principles for Sustainable and Equitable Food Production in November of 2012. An excerpt: Food has always played a central role in the world’s cultures and faith traditions. In religious life the spiritual dimensions of food are manifest in […]
Hedging Against Hunger: Webinar for Investment Professionals
September 19, 2012Hedging Against Hunger – An Update The Tri-State Coalition continues to be concerned about the impact of excessive speculation in food commodities on volatility in food supplies. On December 6, 2013, the Interfaith Center on Corporate Responsibility (ICCR) hosted a second informational session regarding excessive speculation in food commodities. This webinar featured Michael Masters and David Frenk of Better Markets, […]
Hedging Against Hunger: SRI Food Commodities Resources
August 13, 2012Hedging Against Hunger With over 450 organizations concerned with the issue, and more than 90 reports raising the flag about excessive speculation in food commodities markets, the issue of gambling on hunger has come into focus for many investors. As the Interfaith Center on Corporate Responsibility aptly explains:”excessive hedging leads to volatility, volatility leads to […]
Speculation: Myths vs. Facts
June 1, 2012The Commodity Markets Oversight Coalition, an alliance of commodity derivatives end users and consumers, has released an invaluable four page resource separating at the facts from fiction in the complex world of excessive speculation. Covering topics such as the history of excessive speculation, free market principles, how this impacts the average consumers, as well as […]
Urgent Action: Stand with TriCRI to Petition CFTC for Stronger Regulation of Commodities Trades
October 17, 2011On October 18th 2011, the U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) agreed in a 3-2 vote to approve limits on the size of positions in futures and swaps markets. This action will place restraints on financial institutions, but to what extent must still be examined. TriCRI has been advocating diligently on this issue, as the […]
Faith-Based Organizations Issue a Holiday Investment Advisory: Inflated Commodities May Contribute to World Hunger
November 11, 2010Faith-Based Organizations Issue a Holiday Investment Advisory: Inflated Commodities May Contribute to World Hunger Citing price volatility as a potential catalyst for another “food bubble”, ICCR urges CalSTRS and other large institutional investors to reconsider commodities markets.