Hedging Against Hunger: SRI Food Commodities Resources
Hedging Against Hunger
With over 450 organizations concerned with the issue, and more than 90 reports raising the flag about excessive speculation in food commodities markets, the issue of gambling on hunger has come into focus for many investors.
As the Interfaith Center on Corporate Responsibility aptly explains:”excessive hedging leads to volatility, volatility leads to hoarding, hoarding leads to food spikes and food spikes can lead to famine”.
Our own Associate Director, Kate Walsh, “Because so many of our faith-based members have missions in high risk communities all over the world, as responsible investors they are uniquely sensitive about this topic. We aren’t against commodity investments per se, however, we feel the need to educate other investors about the correlation between excessive hedging on futures such as corn, soy and rice… staples diets for so many of the world’s poor… and its impact on global food prices.”
Read ICCR’s Guidelines for Responsible Investing in Food Commodities and article entitled, Feast or Famine.
—– Tri-CRI’s Previous Work—–
- Script for Speaking to your managers (contact Tri-CRI)
- Backgrounder on the Issue (contact Tri-CRI)
- CalSTRS advocacy
- Rally Against Hunger
- Petition the CFTC for Stronger Regulations
Press Coverage:
- Better Markets
- Interfaith Center on Corporate Responsibility
- Stop Gambling on Hunger
- UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Food
- World Development Movement
Further Resources:
*** If you are a financial professional, especially with faith based or social responsible clients, please call us to be further informed about upcoming events.***