Investors Call for Due Diligence on Line 3, Oil Sands Projects, and FPIC
March 30, 2022 Investors are calling on banks to conduct robust corporate Human Rights Due Diligence related to financing oil sands projects and clients developing these projects. Prompted by the significant protest, litigation, and opposition led by Indigenous Peoples opposing the Enbridge Line 3 tar sands pipeline, investors representing over $2 trillion sent a letter […]
Sr. Pat Daly- Women of Faith in Finance
In honor of Women’s History Month, IASJ will be featuring a “Women of Faith in Finance” series celebrating four incredible women and their dedication and commitment to the advancement of human rights, climate change solutions, peace, and the common good. “We can’t keep doing what we’ve been doing if the planet is going […]
Investors and Farmworkers Call for Accountability at Wendy’s
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Marley Monacello Gina Falada Coalition of Immokalee Workers Investor Advocates for Social Justice marley@ciw-online.org, 239-357-0393 […]
Sr. Nora Nash- Women of Faith in Finance
In honor of Women’s History Month, IASJ will be featuring a “Women of Faith in Finance” series celebrating four incredible women and their dedication and commitment to the advancement of human rights, climate change solutions, peace, and the common good. As Women’s History Month and the tragic invasion of Ukraine converge, one woman’s words ring […]
Black History Month 2022
Racism is not just a social justice issue; historically, it has also cast a long economic shadow. Following the Civil War, the Reconstruction Act of 1865 helped transition newly freed Black Americans from enslavement into members of the United States economic system. The Freedman’s Savings and Trust Company was established for formerly enslaved Black American […]
IASJ Welcomes Courtney Wicks as New Executive Director
Facing Investor Pressure, Microsoft Agrees to Publish Independent Human Rights Impact Assessment, Including Review of Surveillance and Law Enforcement Contracts
October 13, 2021 PR Originally posted by Open MIC | Bloomberg Article COMPANY’S ACTION FOLLOWS SHAREHOLDER PROPOSAL FOR THIRD-PARTY REVIEW OF POTENTIAL HUMAN RIGHTS HARMS In response to shareholder requests, Microsoft Corp. will commission an independent, third-party assessment to “identify, understand, assess, and address actual or potential adverse human rights impacts” of the company’s products, […]
Shareholders Say Microsoft’s Business Practices are Undermining Privacy, Perpetuating Racism and Threatening Human Rights
Investors have filed three shareholder proposals with Microsoft Corp. seeking accountability for the ways in which the company’s lobbying practices, surveillance technologies, and contracts with ICE and other government agencies contradict the company’s own statements and values around racial justice and human rights. The shareholder proposals highlight an apparent gap between Microsoft’s stated principles and […]
Investor Advocates for Social Justice (IASJ) is Hiring an Associate Director
Position: Associate Director, Mission-Aligned Investing To Apply: Interested applicants should send a cover letter and resume to Mary Beth Gallagher, Executive Director, at jobs@iasj.org. Applications will be considered on a rolling basis. Summary of the Position The Associate Director will lead the strategic direction and implementation of IASJ’s Mission-Aligned Investing (MAI) Program for faith-based institutional asset owners (Affiliates). The […]
Shareholder Support Building for Human Rights Proposals at Defense Companies
Faith-based institutions have long led movements calling for peace, demilitarization, and denuclearization. The defense industry continues to profit from business models that cause death and destruction. On a 2021 earnings call, the CEO of defense company Raytheon said, “peace is not going to break out in the Middle East anytime soon. I think it remains […]