Investor Advocates for Social Justice


19th of December 2011

Sr. Pat Daly and Fr. Seamus Finn on the CBS Early Show

December 12, 2011 Rebecca Jarvis talks with the Rev. Seamus Finn and Sister Pat Daly, from the Interfaith Center on Corporate Responsibility, about how they help major corporations realize their social duties to make them better.    

18th of November 2011

Sister Pat battles the board: How women religious are protecting consumers

Friday, November 18, 2011 Kristen Hannum   To protect consumers and the environment, women religious lead the growing movement that’s taking on powerful corporations—one share at a time. On May 6 this year, Sister Nora Nash stood before Goldman Sachs’ powerful CEO and his board for the investment bank’s annual meeting. Nash, a Sister of […]

12th of November 2011

Nuns Who Won’t Stop Nudging

By KEVIN ROOSE, New York Times Published: November 12, 2011 ASTON, Pa. NOT long ago, an unusual visitor arrived at the sleek headquarters of Goldman Sachs in Lower Manhattan. It wasn’t some C.E.O., or a pol from Athens or Washington, or even a sign-waving occupier from Zuccotti Park. It was Sister Nora Nash of the […]

17th of October 2011

Urgent Action: Stand with TriCRI to Petition CFTC for Stronger Regulation of Commodities Trades

On October 18th 2011, the U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) agreed in a 3-2 vote to approve limits on the size of positions in futures and swaps markets. This action will place restraints on financial institutions, but to what extent must still be examined. TriCRI has been advocating diligently on this issue, as the […]

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4th of April 2011

Eco-Farming Can Double Food Production in 10 Years, says new UN report

2011-03-08 Small-scale farmers can double food production within 10 years in critical regions by using ecological methods, a new UN report* shows. Based on an extensive review of the recent scientific literature, the study calls for a fundamental shift towards agroecology as a way to boost food production and improve the situation of the poorest. […]

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25th of March 2011

ICCR Welcomes the UN Guiding Principles for Business and Human Rights

Document provides framework for all stakeholders to address corporate human rights responsibilities. NEW YORK, NY/// March 25, 2011///Yesterday, the United Nations released the final report of the Secretary-General’s Special Representative for Business and Human Rights (UNSRSG), Professor John Ruggie that will be presented to the UN Human Rights Council for formal endorsement in June.   The […]

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18th of March 2011

Investors Commend Delta Airways for Efforts to Stop the Trafficking of Children

Investors Commend Delta Airways for Efforts to Stop the Trafficking of Children   Members of the Interfaith Center on Corporate Responsibility Applaud Delta for its leadership in adopting the Tourism Code of Conduct (The Code) and encourage other carriers to follow suit. New York, NY// March 18th, 2011///After intense engagement with management on company human […]

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11th of March 2011

Ford wins over critics with greenhouse pledge

Reuters DETROIT, April 9 (Reuters) – A group of activist investors including the state of Connecticut on Wednesday dropped a campaign targeting Ford Motor Co (F.N) after the No. 2 U.S. automaker detailed plans for cutting greenhouse gas emissions over the next 12 years. Ford’s action made it the first U.S. automaker to spell out […]

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11th of November 2010

Faith-Based Organizations Issue a Holiday Investment Advisory: Inflated Commodities May Contribute to World Hunger

Faith-Based Organizations Issue a Holiday Investment Advisory: Inflated Commodities May Contribute to World Hunger Citing price volatility as a potential catalyst for another “food bubble”, ICCR urges CalSTRS and other large institutional investors to reconsider commodities markets.

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30th of October 2010

Faith and Finance: Finding Common Ground to Protect the Common Good

ICCR’s Financial Services group issued a white paper titled, Faith and Finance: Finding Common Ground to Protect the Common Good outlining the priorities essential to reform. The resource concludes that many changes still need to occur in order for confidence in the financial system to be restored, such as the revolving door between the private […]

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