Investor Advocates for Social Justice

IASJ Tells Banks: Stop Funding Environmental Racism

April 22, 2024

April 22, 2024 A safe, healthy, and just environment is the foundation for enjoying all human rights. As part of IASJ’s Climate + Dignity campaign, we are committed to engaging with banks to address human rights impacts associated with their financing activities.  Challenging Banks on Climate Justice Though US banks have made public commitments to tackle the […]

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Investors Call for Due Diligence on Line 3, Oil Sands Projects, and FPIC

March 30, 2022

March 30, 2022 Investors are calling on banks to conduct robust corporate Human Rights Due Diligence related to financing oil sands projects and clients developing these projects. Prompted by the significant protest, litigation, and opposition led by Indigenous Peoples opposing the Enbridge Line 3 tar sands pipeline, investors representing over $2 trillion sent a letter […]

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Sr. Pat Daly- Women of Faith in Finance

March 11, 2022

In honor of Women’s History Month, IASJ will be featuring a “Women of Faith in Finance” series celebrating four incredible women and their dedication and commitment to the advancement of human rights, climate change solutions, peace, and the common good.     “We can’t keep doing what we’ve been doing if the planet is going […]

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IASJ Mission-Aligned Investing (MAI) Program Launch

March 9, 2021

March 9, 2021: Montclair, NJ – Recognizing Investor Advocates for Social Justice (IASJ) Affiliates’ legacy around fostering positive social and environmental impact, IASJ convened its first Affiliate Cohort meeting on March 9th to launch the Mission-Aligned Investing (MAI) program. The program aims to enable and empower IASJ’s Affiliates, which are faith-based institutional asset owners, to […]

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Tri-CRI Meets with Cardinal Peter Turkson

March 4, 2016

Cardinal Peter Turkson, President of the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace, who was the primary author of Laudato Si’, was in New York this month and we were pleased to have the opportunity to not only, see him speak, but also meet with him.  He was the keynote speaker at a session entitled “Catholics, Capitalism, and the Climate,” […]

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