Investors Press Climate Change as a Human Rights Issue
A safe, healthy, and just environment serves as a prerequisite for enjoying all human rights, rendering the climate crisis a pervasive threat to the rights of billions of people around the world. The Paris Agreement, a landmark United Nations accord aimed at keeping global temperature rise well below 2°C, explicitly states in its preamble that […]
Tri-CRI Testifies at NJ Energy Master Plan Public Hearing
The New Jersey Board of Public Utilities held public hearings on the proposed draft of their Energy Master Plan (EMP) this July and August, during which the Tri-State CRI participated and gave our testimony. The EMP is meant to provide a holistic, comprehensive plan of New Jersey’s current and future energy needs. The release of […]
Corporate Actions to Address Child Labor in Cocoa Production: Case Study – The Hershey Company
Introduction In our role to support institutional investors in their active ownership activities to align their investments with their mission and values, the Tri-State Coalition for Responsible Investment (Tri-CRI) has supported the American Baptist Home Mission Society in engaging The Hershey Company along with other members of ICCR since 2009 about the prevalence of child […]
Amazon AGM Brings Attention to Facial Recognition Technology Risks
On May 22, 2019, twelve shareholder proposals went to a vote at Amazon’s highly anticipated Annual Meeting of Shareholders in Seattle, WA. The Sisters of St. Joseph of Brentwood were the lead proponents of a resolution which called on Amazon to prohibit sales of facial recognition technology to government agencies unless the Board concludes, after […]
Chevron’s Impacts on the Human Right to Water in the Spotlight at Shareholder Meeting
Chevron is one of the world’s largest oil and gas companies, operating in over 180 countries and selling an average of 3.1 million barrels of refined product per day. The company’s operations require excessive amounts of freshwater intake; Chevron extracted 75 million cubic meters (nearly 20 billion gallons) in 2017. Improperly stored toxic wastewater byproduct, […]
Northrop Grumman’s Human Rights Record in the Spotlight – 31% Support for Human Rights Resolution
ICCR Press Release: Nearly one third of Northrop Grumman shareholders voice support for improved human rights due diligence Northrop Grumman, a government contractor that produces weapons used in conflict and technologies that are enabling the militarization of the U.S.-Mexico border and increased surveillance of immigrants, has largely flown under the radar of public scrutiny as […]
“A Win for Shareholders in Effort to Halt Sales of Amazon’s Racially Biased Surveillance Tech” – Press Release by Open MIC
S.E.C. Ruling Advances Two Shareholder Proposals Targeting Amazon’s Rekognition Link to original Open MIC press release: https://www.openmic.org/news/2019/4/4/a-win-for-shareholders-amazon In a major victory for investors, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) ruled late yesterday that Amazon must give shareholders an opportunity to consider and vote on two separate shareholder resolutions that address major business risks posed by […]
Shifting Gears Initiative: Year In Review
Members of the Tri-State Coalition for Responsible Investment are leveraging our collective power and voice as faith-based and responsible investors to engage with automotive companies in our portfolios to encourage respect for human rights and human dignity through the Shifting Gears initiative. Launched in January 2018, our campaign aims to improve human rights performance of […]
JPMorgan Chase Announces Commitment to Back Away from Private Prison Finance – Impact of Shareholder Engagement
JP Morgan Chase announced on Tuesday, March 5th, that it will no longer finance the private prisons. This has been an ask of our engagement and dialogues, which we led since October 2017 on behalf of Sisters of St. Joseph of Brentwood as the lead shareholder and many other Tri-CRI members and colleagues from ICCR. In […]
Tri-CRI Urges Tyson Shareholders to Support Human Rights Due Diligence Proposal
The American Baptist Home Mission Society and 10 co-filers urge you to vote FOR the Shareholder Proposal on Human Rights Due Diligence at The Tyson Foods Inc. Annual Meeting on February 7, 2019. Read Exempt Solicitation here. Support for this resolution is warranted because: (1) Tyson has a responsibility to respect human rights within company-owned […]