New SEC Shareholder Proposal Rule Weakens Corporate Accountability
Investor Advocates for Social Justice (IASJ) is deeply disappointed in the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)’s final rulemaking on the Shareholder Proposal Rule 14a-8, which was released today. “Especially at this moment, this rule change is out of touch with the multiple crises facing our society, including climate change, racism, economic inequality, and worker health […]
IASJ is Hiring- Associate Director Position
Investor Advocates for Social Justice (IASJ) is Hiring an Associate Director Position: Associate Director, Mission-Aligned Investing To Apply: Interested applicants should send a cover letter and resume to Mary Beth Gallagher, Executive Director, at jobs@iasj.org and will be considered on a rolling basis. Summary of the Position The Associate Director will lead the design and implementation of a new […]
IASJ Launches Shifting Gears Report Assessing Human Rights Risks and Due Diligence in the Automotive Industry
June 9, 2020 Today Investor Advocates for Social Justice (IASJ), is pleased to release its new report: Shifting Gears, An Assessment of Human Rights Risks & Due Diligence in the Automotive Industry. This report is part of the ongoing, multi-year shareholder advocacy campaign called the Shifting Gears Initiative, in which faith-based investors are engaging with […]
IASJ Stands in Solidarity With Racial Justice Protests
In light of recent racist incidents including the murders of Breonna Taylor, Tony McCade, and George Floyd, Investor Advocates for Social Justice (IASJ) stands in solidarity with the ongoing protests, and is committed to take action on racial justice. As representatives of investors, IASJ recognizes and acknowledges that our country’s economy is rooted in structural […]
Amazon Proposal Highlights Human Rights Risks of Surveillance Tech
A shareholder proposal filed at Amazon by the Sisters of St. Joseph of Brentwood is going to a vote at the company’s annual general meeting on May 27, 2020. The proposal requests that Amazon assess its process for customer due diligence to determine whether customers’ use of its surveillance and computer vision products or cloud-base […]
IASJ Encourages Companies to Focus on Equity & Justice in Covid-19 Response
Investors are concerned about the impacts of coronavirus on their investment portfolios, but also on communities, workers, and society. In this unprecedented moment, companies often find themselves balancing competing short-term and financial priorities with the well-being of their employees. In some instances, this has resulted in employees placed at risk of contracting coronavirus because they […]
Investors to Vote on Human Rights Proposals at GM, Lear, and Tesla this Proxy Season
As part of the Shifting Gears initiative with the automotive industry, Investor Advocates for Social Justice (IASJ) Affiliates filed shareholder proposals on human rights topics with five automotive companies this proxy season. Three of these proposals at General Motors, Lear Corporation, and Tesla, Inc, will be going to a vote at annual shareholder meetings this […]
59.68% Independent Support for Human Rights Proposal at Tyson
Update: The Human Rights Due Diligence proposal received 14.58% support overall at the Tyson AGM this year. Excluding the influence of the Tyson Limited Partnership, 59.68% of independent shareholders voted in support of the proposal, representing a majority. Tyson Shareholders Urged to Vote FOR Human Rights Due Diligence Proposal February 3, 2020 Investor Advocates for […]
SEC Proposes Changes to Shareholder Rule that Would Restrain Shareholder Advocacy for an Equitable Economy
The Vision of Investor Advocates for Social Justice (IASJ) is to realize an equitable economy where investors leverage their collective voice and resources to advance social, economic, and environmental justice. One of our strategies for achieving this equitable economy is the shareholder proposal process, which allows shareholders, based on research and consultation with community stakeholders, […]
Announcing Investor Advocates for Social Justice
Dear colleagues, I am pleased to announce the launch of Investor Advocates for Social Justice (IASJ). This new name replaces our former name, the Tri-State Coalition for Responsible Investment. This is an energizing evolution for our nearly 45-year-old organization, to build on our legacy of impactful shareholder advocacy and ensure our ability to meet the […]