Investor Advocates for Social Justice


12th of June 2005

Face of faith-based investors a nun CEOs are recognizing

Geoff DoughertyChicago Tribune With her unassuming looks and cream-colored knit blazer, Sister Patricia Daly hardly seems the type to raise hell at a Fortune 500 company’s annual meeting. But dozens of times a year, she does just that. She leaves her home with a Palm Pilot and a copy of Institutional Investor magazine in her […]

23rd of May 2005

Best Buy to Toughen Policy on Adult Game Sales

SARA IVRY | New York Times Youngsters who want to buy adult video games may have run up against a higher authority. Last week, Best Buy agreed to strengthen and publicize its efforts to keep minors from buying violent or sexually explicit video games after the company was pressured by the Christian Brothers Investment Services, […]

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