Investor Advocates for Social Justice

Investors to Vote on Human Rights Proposals at GM, Lear, and Tesla this Proxy Season

March 24, 2020

As part of the Shifting Gears initiative with the automotive industry, Investor Advocates for Social Justice (IASJ) Affiliates filed shareholder proposals on human rights topics with five automotive companies this proxy season. Three of these proposals at General Motors, Lear Corporation, and Tesla, Inc, will be going to a vote at annual shareholder meetings this […]

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Shifting Gears Initiative: Year In Review

March 22, 2019

Members of the Tri-State Coalition for Responsible Investment are leveraging our collective power and voice as faith-based and responsible investors to engage with automotive companies in our portfolios to encourage respect for human rights and human dignity through the Shifting Gears initiative. Launched in January 2018, our campaign aims to improve human rights performance of […]

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