Investor Advocates for Social Justice

24.8% Support for Human Rights Proposal at Tesla

September 25, 2020

September 25, 2020 Update: At the Tesla AGM on September 22nd, the shareholder proposal on Human Rights Disclosure filed by the Sisters of the Good Shepherd, NY Province received 24.8% support overall. Excluding insider shares held by Elon Musk and other executive officers and directors, it received 41.5% support, which is a strong vote for a […]

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IASJ Launches Shifting Gears Report Assessing Human Rights Risks and Due Diligence in the Automotive Industry

June 9, 2020

June 9, 2020 Today Investor Advocates for Social Justice (IASJ), is pleased to release its new report: Shifting Gears, An Assessment of Human Rights Risks & Due Diligence in the Automotive Industry. This report is part of the ongoing, multi-year shareholder advocacy campaign called the Shifting Gears Initiative, in which faith-based investors are engaging with […]

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Corporate Actions to Address Child Labor in Cocoa Production: Case Study – The Hershey Company

August 29, 2019

Introduction In our role to support institutional investors in their active ownership activities to align their investments with their mission and values, the Tri-State Coalition for Responsible Investment (Tri-CRI) has supported the American Baptist Home Mission Society in engaging The Hershey Company along with other members of ICCR since 2009 about the prevalence of child […]

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Shifting Gears Initiative: Year In Review

March 22, 2019

Members of the Tri-State Coalition for Responsible Investment are leveraging our collective power and voice as faith-based and responsible investors to engage with automotive companies in our portfolios to encourage respect for human rights and human dignity through the Shifting Gears initiative. Launched in January 2018, our campaign aims to improve human rights performance of […]

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