Ann Scholz is a member of the School Sister of Notre Dame, an international community of women religious ministering in more than 35 countries around the world and dedicated to transforming the world through education.
Ann currently serves as the Director for Corporate Social Responsibility for the SSND Collective. Investment Fund (SSND CIF) where she advises the board on socially responsible investment and leads its shareholder advocacy efforts. Prior to her ministry in faith-based investing, Ann served as Associate Director for Social Mission at the Leadership Conference of Women Religious (LCWR). In that capacity she coordinated LCWR’s efforts to strengthen relationships with groups concerned with social concerns and maximize the efforts of the conference to shape public policy and effect social change.
Ann also served as the representative of the School Sisters of Notre Dame at the United Nations where she sought to bring the values of the SSND community to bear on the deliberations and decisions of UN member states. In cooperation with other Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) she focused on the needs and concerns of those members of the global community who are too often neglected—women, children, and those living in poverty.
A former university professor and secondary education social studies teacher, Ann earned her MA and PhD in International Education from the American University in Washington, D.C. She served as an Associate Professor of Education and Director of Study Abroad at Notre Dame of Maryland University and was instrumental in expanding opportunities for students and faculty to do academic work abroad.