Feeding Accountability: Human Rights in the Food Value Chain

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With its complex, global value chains and tight profit margins – further exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic – the food industry has a long history of exploitative practices linked to racial injustice, exploitative labor practices, and abuse of immigrant workers. Conditions in the food value chain- from farm to table – are often hazardous, unstable, and rife with labor rights and other human rights violations. Through the Feeding Accountability initiative, IASJ is engaging with its portfolio companies to combat systemic, racialized labor abuses of workers and impacted communities in the food industry value chain. 


IASJ’s Feeding Accountability initiative seeks to promote respect for human rights throughout corporate operations in the food industry, including in owned and operated facilities and throughout global supply chains. Through our engagements with portfolio companies, IASJ advocates for policies and practices in the food industry that protect workers rights and prioritize worker voice to:

  1. Identify, assess, address, and mitigate human rights risks related to labor in companies’ value chains.
  2. Embed a racial justice approach into efforts to prevent and mitigate labor rights impacts, prioritizing workers most affected by discrimination, poverty, and other socioeconomic vulnerabilities, both domestically and internationally.

Company Focus

  • Wendy’s
  • Tyson
  • Hershey
  • Costco