Investor Advocates for Social Justice (IASJ) leads shareholder advocacy initiatives on behalf of investors with faith-based values. We represent our Affiliates in engagements with companies in their investment portfolio to address strategic environmental, social, and governance issues and advocate for change. Our organization historically operated as a membership coalition and we are proud of this legacy. While IASJ now formally represents our Affiliates in shareholder advocacy activities, we continue to welcome Affiliates to participate. Institutional investors, foundations, and other asset owners seeking representation in shareholder advocacy work or who are interested to support our work are encouraged to contact us about becoming an Affiliate.
Benefits of Becoming an Affiliate
The following institutions participate in the work of IASJ as Affiliates or Engagement Clients:
- American Baptist Home Mission Society *
- Carmelite Friars
- Congregation of Holy Cross, Moreau Province
- Congregation of Notre Dame
- Daughters of Wisdom
- Dominican Friars
- Dominican Sisters of Hope
- Fetzer Institute*
- Franciscan Missionaries of Mary
- Franciscan Sisters of Allegany, NY**
- Franciscan Sisters of the Poor
- Maryknoll Fathers & Brothers
- Maryknoll Sisters
- Mercy Investment Services
- Province of St. Mary of the Capuchin Order
- Religious of the Sacred Heart of Mary
- Roman Catholic Diocese of Albany
- School Sisters of Notre Dame, Atlantic-Midwest Province
- SCL Health
- Sisters of Charity of Halifax
- Sisters of Charity of Leavenworth
- Sisters of Charity, New York
- Sisters of Mary Reparatrix
- Sisters of St. Dominic, Amityville
- Sisters of St. Dominic, Blauvelt
- Sisters of St. Dominic of Caldwell
- Sisters of St. Dominic, Sparkill
- Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet
- Sisters of St. Joseph of Peace
- Sisters of St. Joseph, Brentwood
- Sisters of the Good Shepherd**
- Sisters of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary
- Sisters, Servants of the Immaculate Heart of Mary (IHM Sisters)
- Society of Jesus, USA Northeast Province
- Society of St. Ursula
- St. Philip the Apostle Foundation
- Ursuline Sisters of Tildonk
- Ursuline Sisters of the Roman Union, Eastern Province
*Engagement Client Only
**Affiliate and Engagement Client