Investor Advocates for Social Justice

Tri-CRI Supports ICCR Statement Regarding the Repeal of DACA

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Originally posted by ICCR here:

ICCR Statement Regarding the Repeal of DACA

Sep 6th 2017

As faith and values investors we are outraged that the Trump administration has repealed the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, a cruel decision that leaves nearly 800,000 young Americans at risk of deportation, and would have devastating consequences for families and communities across our nation.

There is no public policy rationale for this action which is inimical to our nation’s values of diversity, inclusiveness and compassion. DACA provides a legal path for immigrants who came here as children, and have worked hard and built their lives here.  It offers hope of a home, job, and education, and for the U.S. government to now rescind that offer is not only faithless, it is shortsighted and reckless. 

DACA applicants are contributing members of our society and workforce; they pay taxes and support our economy, and are local residents giving back to their respective communities. According to a letter sent to President Trump by over 400 American business leaders including the CEOs of Apple, Facebook, Hewlett Packard, Marriott and Microsoft, without today’s DREAMers, “Our economy would lose $460.3 billion from the national GDP and $24.6 billion in Social Security and Medicare tax contributions.” As investors who advocate for improved corporate responsibility on human rights and other social concerns, we are heartened to see this response from the business community.

Like the millions who have been welcomed before them, these immigrants are integral to the future of our nation and ICCR commends the legislators, business leaders and many others who are standing in opposition to the ill-conceived cancellation of DACA and in solidarity with DREAMers.

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