Senior Executive Incentives - Integrate Drug Pricing Risk

2019 – Pfizer, Inc.



RESOLVED, that shareholders of Pfizer Inc. (“Pfizer”) urge the Compensation Committee (the “Committee”) to report annually to shareholders on the extent to which risks related to public concern over drug pricing strategies are integrated into Pfizer’s incentive compensation policies, plans and programs (“arrangements”) for senior executives. The report should include, but need not be limited to, discussion of whether (i) incentive compensation arrangements reward, or not penalize, senior executives for adopting pricing strategies, or making and honoring commitments about pricing, that incorporate public concern regarding prescription drug prices; and (ii) such concern is considered when setting financial targets for incentive compensation arrangements.


Supporting Statement: As long-term investors, we believe that senior executive incentive compensation arrangements should reward the creation of sustainable value. To that end, it is important that those arrangements align with company strategy and encourage responsible risk management.


A key risk facing pharmaceutical companies is potential backlash against high drug prices. Pfizer has been criticized for repeated price increases, and in July 2018 President Trump called out “Pfizer & others” in a tweet, saying they “should be ashamed that they have raised drug prices for no reason”; Pfizer then postponed planned increases.


We are concerned that the incentive compensation arrangements applicable to Pfizer’s senior executives may discourage them from taking actions, like foregoing price increases, that result in lower short-term financial performance even when those actions may be in Pfizer’s best long-term interests.


Pfizer uses revenue and earnings per share (EPS) as metrics for the annual bonus and operating income as a metric for performance share awards. (2018 Proxy Statement, at 66, 68) A 2017 Credit Suisse analyst report identified Pfizer as a company where U.S. net price increases accounted for at least 100% of 2016 net income growth. (Global Pharma and Biotech Sector Review: Exploring Future US Pricing Pressure, Apr. 18, 2017, at 22) In its 2018 report, Credit Suisse characterized Pfizer’s 2017 10% net price increase as above-average for the industry and noted that its list price increases were the second highest. (Global Pharmaceuticals: Scoring Sensitivity to Trump’s Reforms, May 25, 2018, at 15, 20)


In our view, excessive dependence on drug price increases is a risky and unsustainable strategy, especially when price hikes appear to drive large senior executive payouts. Highlighting this connection, a March 2018 article carried the headline, “Pfizer CEO Gets 61% Pay Raise—to $27.9 Million—As Drug Prices Continue to Climb.” (; see also We are concerned that large payouts based on financial metrics that can be affected by pricing create risks for Pfizer.


The disclosure we request would allow shareholders to better assess the extent to which compensation arrangements encourage senior executives to responsibly manage risks relating to drug pricing and contribute to long-term value creation. For example, it would be useful for investors to know whether incentive compensation target amounts reflect consideration of pricing pressures. We urge shareholders to vote for this Proposal.